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Introduction to Cosmotheism

By Hugo

Cosmotheism is a religious concept developed by rocket scientist and physics professor William L. Pierce (1933-2002) in the mid-1970s. He expressed his religious philosophy in early writings and lectures, later presented in three separate pamphlets: The Path, On Living Things, and On Society.

Cosmology: the cosmology is similar to Plato’s monism. Monism is the philosophical view that all of reality is ultimately one, or that reality is fundamentally unified and that all things are interconnected through a single underlying essence or principle (i.e. materialist/agnostic monists believe this to be matter or energy). Everything in the universe is then seen as emanations or manifestations of this ultimate reality.

Beliefs: that there is an evolutionary universe, and mankind can take part in his own evolution to become more and more godlike (ubermen). Self-deification.

Think of it as Platonism (cosmology) combined with Nietzscheanism (philosophy). [link]

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